Re: updating (refreshing) a window or widget

Blitzkrieg said:
I need to refresh (update) a window (in
fact a widget) every X seconds.

 $id = Glib::Timeout->add ($milliseconds, \&timeout_handler);

 sub timeout_handler {
    do_cool_stuff ();
    return $need_to_stay_installed;

This will require a rework of your Tk code, as you need to ensure that the
main loop has control in order for the timeout to fire, but personally i find
the Tk model rather confusing.

So, using Gtk2::Window and Gtk2::SimpleList how should i do refresh the
list, every X seconds, and in the meanwhile receive data from a daemon
(i don't want the exact code, but the idea and some examples or docs
about the api used)? Could you point me to some documentation sources
other than ?

Similarly, you can use Glib::IO->add_watch() to tell glib's main loop to poll
a file descriptor, and invoke a callback when data arrives.  That, coupled
with a timeout, is the traditional way to achieve what you want.

muppet <scott at asofyet dot org>

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