Re: Gtk2::Ex::Datasheet::DBI-0.2 is out

On Thu, 2005-06-16 at 15:57 +1000, Daniel Kasak wrote:
Kevin C. Krinke wrote:


I will do my best to have a new release out by this Monday in light of
your pressing needs. However, I will state that I most certainly would
appreciate any patches to the current release implementing any feature
or change desired. I will incorporate anything I receive before Monday
into this release in one form or another.

I didn't mean to *push* for a release - I was more simply asking when I
might expect one. I can do all the development on my own systems - it
won't be for *ages* that I have to roll anything out. So don't push
other stuff aside just because I asked for the date of the next release.

I've been meaning to finish up the in-development bits that I've already
got. I did plan on having made a release two weeks ago so things aren't
that far off.

I was kinda expecting you to do something like split all the stuff that
doesn't need Gnome into 'pure' Gtk2 packages - which I didn't expect
would take that long.

I'm actually going to take out the Gnome2 bits and do my best to replace
them with Pure Perl implementations (they won't be all the goodness that
comes from Gnome2 but they'll at least get the job done in a somewhat
comparable fashion).

 I admit that I haven't spent too much time looking
at Gtk2::Ex::Dialogs though - only enough to figure out that I could
comment out the 'use Gnome2;' line ( and possibly others ) and not
suffer anything bad for what I needed for Windows.

I believe it's only used for Gnome2::VFS and maybe the file choosing
dialogs but I do know that it's certainly not critical to the general
dialog functionality nor is it something I should have done in the first

If I get time ( I'm having the same problem as you ), I'll possible do
it myself and submit a patch.

Sure, doesn't even have to be complete or even related to the Gnome2
issues. These dialogs are meant as convenience utilities and if you've
got any other such things that may fit in the namespace I can add them
to the todo list if they aren't implementable in the time I've got
allotted for working on this.

Anyway, thanks for the quick response.

Absolutely not a problem! :)

Kevin C. Krinke <kckrinke opendoorsoftware com>
Open Door Software Inc.

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