Re: Gtk2 1.072 (unstable)

muppet <scott asofyet org> writes:

Overview of changes in Gtk2 1.072

* API additions:  [Torsten, muppet]
   - New objects in 2.6: Gtk2::CellRendererCombo,
     Gtk2::FileChooserButton, Gtk2::MenuToolButton
   - 59 new gtk+ 2.6 functions, in Gtk2, Gtk2::Action, Gtk2::Clipboard,
     Gtk2::Gdk::Display, Gtk2::Gdk::DragContext, Gtk2::Gdk::Rgb,
     Gtk2::Gdk::Window, Gtk2::Label, Gtk2::ListStore, Gtk2::Menu,
     Gtk2::MessageDialog, Gtk2::Pango::FontDescription,
     Gtk2::ProgressBar, Gtk2::SelectionData, Gtk2::TargetList,
     Gtk2::TextBuffer, Gtk2::TextView, Gtk2::ToolItem, Gtk2::Widget,
* Enable translation of action groups when built against gtk+ 2.6.
* Improvements to examples.  [Torsten, muppet]
* Bugfixes and cleanup.  [Torsten]
* Test suite improvements and fixes.  [Torsten, Ross, muppet]
* Add a _noinc_ornull variant to the typemaps for GObjects.  [Torsten]
* Allow undef where appropriate for Gtk2::AboutDialog.  [Torsten]

you missed some files :-(

$ perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor
found package "gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.0", using it
Loaded 141 xs files from xs_files-2.0
Loaded 4 xs files from xs_files-2.2
Loaded 23 xs files from xs_files-2.4
Loaded 7 xs files from xs_files-2.6
Congratulations, you're building on X11!
found package "pango", using it
found package "pango", using it
Including ApiDoc pod...
can't open xs/GtkCellRendererCombo.xs: No such file or directory

tv n4 rpm/BUILD/Gtk2-1.072 $ gendiff . .tv2
--- ./xs_files-2.6.tv2  2005-01-10 14:35:28.299930337 +0100
+++ ./xs_files-2.6      2005-01-10 14:35:46.747206020 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@

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