another potential Gtk2::Ex addition

Seeing all the new Gtk2::Ex modules got me thinking that something I have been working on might be a nice addition.
Basically I have a widget that looks and works like the calendar part 
of the Gnome2 clock-applet. The widget pops up a top-level undecorated 
window adjacent to any other widget. The window can act as a container 
for just about anything. The module handles the creation, hiding, and 
positioning of the window. It essentially acts like a drop-down menu, 
but it is a window instead of a menu.
Currently I am using it to make a weather forecast program. When you 
click an icon on the gnome-panel, it will pop down a window with a 
pretty columnar 3 day forecast.
For the name I am thinking of using Gkt2::Ex::DropWindow. Other name 
idea's would be very welcome. :)
Lee Aylward

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