Re: Looking for icon / thumbnail view widget

On Mon, 2005-02-14 at 20:57 +0100, Martin Junius wrote:
Fine, that's part of Gnome2-1.020, which I have here. Any examples for 

That's the widget I'd be sub-classing. Here's the idea I got when you
mentioned your needs (just wanted to let it percolate in my head a bit).


#: an arrayref of hashrefs defining each icon

my $image_collection_data =
[ { name => "filename",
    text => "text under icon",
    path => "/path/to/image",
    thumbnail => "/optional/path/to/thumbnail/image",

#: ImageCollectionList, subclassed Gnome2::IconView, pre-populated with
#: thumbnails etc. (see the Gnome2::IconView pod and I think there's an
#: example in the perl sources somewhere for what to actually do with an
#: IconView).

my $iclist =
   ( $icon_width, $adj, $flags, $image_collection_data );

#: interact with the data in the same fashion as the Gtk2::Ex::Simple::*

@{ $iclist->{data} } = ( ... );


Is this something worth working on?

Kevin C. Krinke <kckrinke opendoorsoftware com>
Open Door Software Inc.

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