Re: Using the motion-notify-event on Gtk2::TreeView

muppet said:
ofey aikon said:
I have replicated the problem in a small piece of code and attaching
it. Move your mouse on the numbers '0.2 and '0.9' on the tree a few
times randomly and you'll see what the issue is.

Patch attached.

oops, i meant to attach also a patch that does more correct and
resource-friendly cursor handling, but i missed.  here it is.  the old code
can get into situations where there's no iter but the cursor is still set to
the finger.  this sets the cursor unconditionally, with the logic deciding
which one to set.  also creates the hand cursor once and keeps the handle to
it for the life of the treeview, which is much nicer to the resource pool than
creating new cursors on every motion event (and also speedier if you use a
custom or  cursor).

muppet <scott at asofyet dot org>

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