NAME Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory ONLINE DOCUMENTATION DOWNLOAD PAGE DESCRIPTION This is a framework which tries to make building complex GUI's easy, by offering these two main features: * Consistent looking GUI without the need to code resp. tune each widget by hand. Instead you declare the structure of your GUI, connect it to the data of your program (which should be a well defined set of objects) and control how this structure is transformed into a specific layout in a very generic way. * Automatically keep widget and object states in sync (in both directions), even with complex data structures with a lot of internal dependencies, object nesting etc. CHANGES 0.57 Mon Aug 1, 2005, joern Features: - Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Window: - on window close FormFactory->close is called automatically if the Window is the 1st child of the FormFactory, unless a closed_hook is set. Thanks to Kaare Rasmussen for the hint. - added 'quit_on_close' option, which quits the Gtk2 main loop as well in that case. - Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::List: - scroll to selected row only on first show, to prevent unneccessary scrolling. - trigger selection dependency updates only when the selection really changed (but only for Lists with attr_select and attr_select_column set, because otherwise a selection change can't be detected safely) - Documentation updates & fixes Bugfixes: - Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Layout: setting 'scrollbars' for non-scrollable widgets didn't work - Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Notebook: restore selected page only if an object attribute is associated with the Widget. - Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory: POD typo fixed, thanks for the report to Christian Marillat. -- LINUX - Linux Is Not gnU linuX
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