Re: setting color of some of the rows in a TreeView

On Fri, 22 Apr 2005 09:51:45 +0300, Gabor Szabo <szabgab gmail com> wrote:

I have been fighting with for some time now but I could not find the answer.
How can I set the color of some of the rows in a TreeView ?
I don't mean the alternating colors, I have a few that I would like to
stand out.

i do it with custom data function for cell renderer:

        my $clist = Gtk2::ListStore->new(@types);
        for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$order}; $i++) {
                my $renderer = Gtk2::CellRendererText->new ;
                        $renderer->set('editable' => TRUE);
                        $renderer->set('mode' => 'editable');
                        $renderer->signal_connect ('edited' => sub {
                   my ($cell,$text_path,$new_text,$i) = @_;
                                  my $tree = $tv->get_model;
                                  my $iter = $tree->get_iter_from_string($text_path);
                                  if (defined $iter) {
                                           #my $old_text = $tree->get($iter,$i);
                my $title = ${$order}[$i];
                my $cl = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes('',$renderer,'text' => $i);
# ----->
                $cl->set_cell_data_func($renderer, sub {
                 my ($column, $cell, $model, $iter, $title) = @_;
                 my $color = 'white';
                                my ($cursor) = $tv->get_cursor;
                                my $entry = $entries{$title};
                                if (!defined $entry) { $entry = ""; }
                                my $text = $cell->get('text');
                                if ((defined $entry) and (defined $text) and ($text ne "")) {
                                        if ($text =~ /$entry/i) {
                                                $color = 'orange';
                 $cell->set (background => $color);
                }, $title);
# <------
regards, bostjan

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