Re: Events and Signals

"Carl" == Carl Nygard <cjnygard fast net> writes:
    Carl> On Tue, 2004-09-21 at 17:00, muppet wrote:
    >> On Sep 21, 2004, at 3:17 PM, Carl Nygard wrote:

    >> there's a different project, based in C, that wants to use
    >> the XTest extension and actually implement event recording
    >> and playback; can't remember the name at the moment, but i
    >> remember discussing it on gtk-devel-list.

    Carl> You thinking about Xnee?

Whatever the project  is, I may be able to  spend some time (from
now  until may  2005  and may  be  december 2005)  on a  solution
allowing to test some Gtk2 perl scripts (record *and* playback).

So keep me informed if you need some manpower.

Thanks in advance,


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