"Ross" == Ross McFarland <rwmcfa1 neces com> writes:
Ross> preliminary test releases: Ross> http://www.neces.com/gtk2-perl/Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List-0.30.tar.gz Ross> http://www.neces.com/gtk2-perl/Gtk2-Ex-Simple-Tree-0.30.tar.gz Installed. Ross> take a look, Done :o) Ross> report back. Thanks a lot. It was a great help to understand how the MVC paradigm was used. 'get_selected_indices' is not implemented in Simple::Tree. This can be reproduced by pressing the Ok button. On a different topic, I have defined a new CellRenderer: CellRendererTextCompletion, derived from CellRendererText which implements completion functionality. For that, I need to specify a completion model for each column using this renderer. But the interface of Simple::(List::Tree) does not allow parameters for renderers. So I have to build the Simple::(L|T), access the renderer and set the completion model. I have tried various approaches : - define a property for the renderer. Looks like only columns can be used. In the case of a completion, this is inadequate. - try to define a 'new' subroutine. Can't get it to work, I don't understand why S::(L|T) can inherit from Gtk2::TreeView via a simple ISA but CellRendererText insist on using the Glib::Object::Subclass mechanism. Anyway as SLT only provide a way to define the *type* of the renderer and not an instance or a sub returning an instance of a renderer, I also abandon that approach. In the end, I just build an SLT, access the renderer, set the completion model, and associate it to the underlying Entry widget in START_EDITING. I just wonder if things can be done more efficiently. Anyway, I include my actual package and will hear with humility every remark from the list. Thanks again for your work and in advance for your remarks :o) Vincent
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