Re: segfault on exit?

* Daniel Kasak <dkasak nusconsulting com au> [2004-10-26 07:52]:
I assume that it doesn't matter too much, but I've noticed that
when I exit gtk2-perl apps now they segfault.

I'm exiting by connecting the sub:

sub on_MainMenu_destroy {

to the app's menu's 'destroy' signal.

I don't know if it'll fix your segfault, exactly, but you should
be quitting using Gtk2->main_quit().

@j = ((qw)" Just   " )), @a = ((qw " another" )),
@p = ((qw " Perl   " )), @h = ((qw " hacker " )),
(()),),(s""@j,",s (" )))g), print

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