Re: ComboBox with multiple cellrenderers

Ross McFarland said:
On Mon, 2004-10-25 at 08:01, B McAndrews wrote:
I have played with muppet's cellrenderprogress custom renderer. When I
go to display the combo list, I get these messages, the list still gets
rendered but performance on this thing is pretty poor.  I've attached
the program if anyone wants to see it.  My question is why isn't the
GtkCellView type recognized?

GtkCellView is new to 2.6.x (2.5.x) which you probably aren't compiling
against and therefore isn't available.

actually, it appears that GtkCellView was introduced for the GtkComboBox in
2.4.x, but was private until 2.5.x.  in the 2.4.x sources i see gtkcellview.h
and .c, but there's not actual gtk-doc comments in them as there are in cvs
HEAD.  oh, and the clincher, in the for 2.4.x gtkcellview.h is
listed in the private headers, and in 2.5.x, it's listed in the public

so, although the widget existed in 2.4.x and is used by the ComboBox to render
its lists, it was not exposed publically, so there are no bindings for it.

you get the "not registered with GPerl" message because the ComboBox's
CellView (used to host CellRenderers in the absence of a TreeView) passes the
CellView itself as $widget to your renderer's RENDER vfunc.  this message is
actually coming from gperl_new_object(), called from the vfunc marshaler for
RENDER, when it tries to create the perl wrapper the first time the bindings
see the object.

short of upgrading your gtk2-perl to cvs HEAD, there's not really much you can
do about those messages.

luckily, though, from running the example code, the warnings come out only
once per CellView object (that's five times altogether), and don't appear to
have an impact otherwise.

as far as "the performance on this thing is pretty poor", um, in what way?  it
seems to run pretty smoothly for me.

muppet <scott at asofyet dot org>

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