Re: spec files and TreeIter docs

On Wed, 2004-11-17 at 20:40, Ross McFarland wrote:
On Wed, 2004-11-17 at 19:22, Carl Nygard wrote:
Two questions:

Where are the docs for Gtk2::TreeIter?

this works for me:
      perldoc Gtk2::TreeIter 

Not for me.  I've got perl-Gtk2-1.040-1  does that matter?

How to get Makefile.PL to create a spec file, or do I have to do that
myself?  I just want to build an rpm easily.  Any clues?

the easiest thing to do is:
      perl Makefile.PL
      make dist-srpms
that should build a src rpm and put it in ~/rpms/ you can do whatever
you want from there. there's also a make dist-rpms target, but it can be
pretty flaky.

Also doesn't work.  grep rpm Makefile returns nothing.  grep dist
Makefile shows nothing related to rpms, just tarball distribs.

Is there some secret I'm missing?  Even perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker
doesn't say anything about rpm files.

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