Re: Gt2k::GladeXML examples missing from install package?

Hi Ross, sorry if my previous message was vague.

      It is worth noting that callbacks you get for free in c such
      as gtk_main_quit will not exist in perl and must always be
      defined, for example:

             sub gtk_main_quit

I guess what I am trying to say is this section didn't make it clear to me (as a newbie) that the 
gtk_main_quit signal must be bound (if that's the right terminology) somewhere, either in your code or in 
glade.  To me, that sub doesn't define a call-back.

Perhaps the example should look something like this:

        It is worth noting that callbacks you get for free in c such
        as gtk_main_quit will not exist in perl and must always be
        defined, for example:

              $some_window->signal_connect( delete_event => gtk_main_quit );
              sub gtk_main_quit

Perhaps it could also mention or give an example of how to do the same binding from Glade's side of things?


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