I've sidelined the idea to use the new GTKComboBox from GTK2.4 until I
at least work out how to use the widgets that I've currently got ( via
glade ). I'm trying to choose a signal that fires when an entry in a GTKCombo box is clicked. I've found signals that fire at other times ( some of them twice, some more ), but haven't found one that fires when an entry is clicked and not other times. Can someone help me out? Which widget do I choose ( the GTKCombo, GTKEntry, or GTKList ) and which event do I choose? I suppose I should also take this opportunity to thank all those who have helped me out so far. I realise that newbie questions are frustrating, but I really am trying here... Dan --
IT Developer NUS Consulting Group Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060 T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989 email: dkasak nusconsulting com au website: http://www.nusconsulting.com.au |