Re: A perl/Gtk Newbie

john knops writes:
at the tutorial at but it's a bit light on how to create a canvas 
with text, images and a coloured background. So watch this space for more 
questions over the coming weeks.

Sorry this is late, and doubly sorry that I haven't had time to trim
this down to something more illustrative. This is a cut-and-paste
without much clean-up from a generic XML editor I've been playing

Along with your usual "use"s, you'll want:

use Gtk2::Pango;

And this code depends on:

use XML::Parser;

my $w = $gladexml->get_widget('textview1');
my $b = $w->get_buffer();

my $tagname = 0;
my $ignoreTags = 
    'html' => 1,
    'body' => 1,
    'img' => sub
        my ($buffer, $iter, $args) = @_;
        if (defined($args->{src}))
            my $pixbuf = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file($args->{src});
            $buffer->insert_pixbuf($iter, $pixbuf);

my ($attrTags) = 
    'i' => [style => 'italic'],
    'cite' => [style => 'italic'],
    'b' => [weight => Gtk2::Pango::PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD],
    'small' => [scale => Gtk2::Pango::PANGO_SCALE_SMALL],
    'large' => [scale => Gtk2::Pango::PANGO_SCALE_LARGE],
    'h1' => [scale => Gtk2::Pango::PANGO_SCALE_XX_LARGE],
    'h2' => [scale => Gtk2::Pango::PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGE],
    'h3' => [scale => Gtk2::Pango::PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGE],
    'h4' => [scale => Gtk2::Pango::PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGE],
    'h5' => [scale => Gtk2::Pango::PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGE],
    'h6' => [scale => Gtk2::Pango::PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGE],

my $followingSpaceTags =
    'br' => "\n",
    'p' => "\n\n",
    'h1' => "\n\n",
    'h2' => "\n\n",
    'h3' => "\n\n",
    'h4' => "\n\n",
    'h5' => "\n\n",
    'h6' => "\n\n",

sub handle_start()
    my ($buffer, $tagstack, $parser, $tag, %attribs) = @_;

    if (defined($ignoreTags->{$tag}))
        if (ref($ignoreTags->{$tag})
            && ref($ignoreTags->{$tag}) eq 'CODE')
        my $node = $tagstack->[$#$tagstack];

        my (@args);

        if ($attrTags->{$tag})
            @args = @{$attrTags->{$tag}};
            @args = (editable => '1');
        print "Creating tag for $tag with tagname $tagname and args: ".join(',', @args)."\n";

        my $buftag;
        $buftag = $buffer->create_tag($tagname,@args);
        $node = [$tag, \%attribs, $buftag, $tagname];
        $tagList->{$buftag} = $node;

        push @$tagstack, $node;
sub handle_end()
    my ($buffer, $tagstack, $parser, $tag) = @_;
    if (!defined($ignoreTags->{$tag}))
        pop @$tagstack;
    if (defined($followingSpaceTags->{$tag}))
sub handle_char()
    my ($buffer, $tagstack, $parser, $text) = @_;

    my @tags;
    foreach (@$tagstack)
        push @tags, $_->[2]
            if (defined($_->[2]));

    $text =~ s/\s+/ /g;
    $buffer->insert_with_tags($buffer->get_end_iter(), $text, @tags);

my $tagstack = [];
my $p = new XML::Parser(Handlers =>
                        {Start => sub { &handle_start($b, $tagstack, @_) },
                         End   => sub { &handle_end($b, $tagstack, @_) },
                         Char  => sub { &handle_char($b, $tagstack, @_) },
my $t = $p->parsefile($ENV{'HOME'}

So you can run it on some valid XML that looks roughly like:

<body bgcolor="#234567">
<h1>Some test XML text</h1>

<p>Here's some <i>italic</i> and some <b>bold</b> and <img
 src="/home/danlyke/images/elph0100/" /> some <b>bold
<i>italic</i></b> and <i>italic <b>bold</b></i> text.</p>

<p>And here's some <small>small</small> and <large>large</large> text.</p>


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