Make Error - Gnome2::VFS

Hello all,

I just installed a brand spanking new SuSE 9.1 distro.
 As I've done before, I used the module list on the
gtk2-perl homepage as my guide to install everything I
need to get gtk2-perl apps up and running.

Everything was going fine, I installed
ExtUtils::Depends, ExtUtils::PkgConfig, Glib, Gtk2,
and Gnome2::Canvas.  I knew that Gnome2 needed
Gnome2::VFS so I tried installing Gnome2::VFS before
tackling Gnome2.  I got some errors when running make
for Gnome2::VFS, specifically when compiling
GnomeVFSAsync.c.  I've attached the output from make.

Would a kind soul take a peek and let me know what I'm
missing.  I'm sure it's something trivial.


SuSE 9.1
Perl 5.8.3

I've also attached to output of perl -V.



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Attachment: make.output
Description: make.output

Attachment: perl.output
Description: perl.output

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