Daniel Kasak wrote:
ArtÅras Ålajus wrote:Daniel Kasak wrote:Hi all. I want to display a note in a text widget.From what I understand, I need a GtkTextView widget to display text that takes up more than one line.Here's what I've got so far to get the note in the widget:my ( $widget, $event ) = @_; # Check if we've received a double-click event; exit if we haven't if ($event->type ne '2button-press') { return; } my $slist = $prospects->get_widget("Notes_SList"); my @selected = $slist->get_selected_indices; my $note_txt = $slist->{data}[$selected[0]][3]; my $textbuffer = Gtk2::TextBuffer->new; $textbuffer->set_text($note_txt); my $notedetails = Gtk2::GladeXML->new($gladefile, 'NoteDetails'); $notedetails->get_widget("NoteTxt")->set_buffer($textbuffer);I'm getting the correct text in $note_txt, but something goes wrong ( or doesn't happen ) after this, because my Gtk2::TextView is empty.What am I doing wrong?hmm everything seems ok. maybe there is another widgt with same name?Nope.$notedetails is a single-purpose window, containg 1 thing: $note_txt, which is a GtkTextView.The above code runs without any errors at all.
i mean another widget with same name in _whole_ xml file
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