Re: Gtk2-Perl API documentation project

muppet wrote:

but i think we can do this, and do it well enough that we could use it on any of the add-on projects, too (Gnome2, Gnome2::Canvas, Gnome2::Print, etc, etc).

an mockup manpage containing the information we could extract via code parsing and introspection:

Gtk2::Button -

Gtk2::Button->new (mnemonic=undef)
Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock (stock_id)

any text that may be available. if there's no text, this section doesn't appear.

$widget = Gtk2::Button->new (mnemonic=undef)
- mnemonic: string

here is some descriptive text from a =for apidoc pod.

$button->set_use_underline (use_underline)
- use_underline: boolean


use-underline - boolean - read/write
blurb text



I think yes, there SHOULD be a documentation project for GTK2-perl.
Muppet's mocked man-page example is great, let me write down my thoughts:

1.) Since every .xs file will have a pod for its own, there must be a central pod file such as "Gtk2-reference". 2.) There must be a separate pod file for Objects, Flags, enums such as Gtk1-perl had! 3.) There should probably be a "complete reference guide" pod file with only the "SYNOPSIS" from all the .xs files and the whole Gtk2-objects. 4.) Making it short: there must be a rule of "how GTK2-perl documentation works", so that people who wish to contribute with the documentation project may help with it.

I'd be glad to spare some time getting the reference for Gtk2-perl ready!
You know, I'm not a very experienced programmer, to be honest, I've just barely learnt perl(!), but I'd love to help with this project; I believe that many people around are whispering for a good documentation set for the project, many like me might not be an experienced programmer, so searching the C sources/headers/api documentation from GTK2+ for function calls, enums etc is not as fun as programming GTK2-perl with a good API reference.

I propose a debate about how should the GTK2-perl documentation project be guided. And you bet I'd love to help(as playing around with structs, typedefs, mallocs and pointers in C is not my taste for the time beeing ;) the project.

I could write the text into the xs files as far as someone wrote a new(make some cahnges) to your and so that there could be the NAME, SYNOPSIS, DESCRIPTION, METHODS, EXAMPLES etc sections for the output pod as well as those Objects, the "Gtk2-reference" and the "complete reference guide".

Muppet, if you help me where to start, I can help the project with this task... (I will surely learn a lot with this task too ;).

Just turn the task a bit easier and I'll handle with this.

BTW, isn't the "maps" file still missing the line "GTK_STOCK GtkStock Gobject Gtk2::Stock"? and GtkButton.xs missing "GtkStock stock_id" at the gtk_button_new_from_stock Widget definition?

What else should be updated to get Gtk2::Stock "translation" working for the code and reference? (Relax, just curious ;)

I wrote two new scripts for anyone use: -> will generate and show the pod2text output from a specified .xs file (just change the $toolspath to the dir where an are located) in a loop, just press q to exit from less and enter after you changed the .xs file to see the results -> command line arguments -s /path/to/dir/with/xs -d /tmp/allgtk2perldocs -f txt,man,html will write all the .xs pods into each format subfolder.

These might come handy for those wishing to help writing the documentation... or useless...

Sorry if I was inconvenient anyway, or for any mistakes, or for my bad english or for ... whatever :P

Mauricio Silveira <msilveira at linuxbr dot com>

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use constant TRUE => 1;
use constant FALSE => 0;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use Cwd;

my $progname = basename($0);
#Handle command line options
Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling", "noignore_case_always", "no_auto_abbrev");

my $sourcedir;
my $destdir;
die("Try '$0 --help' for more options.\n") unless
        GetOptions('sourcedir|s=s' => \$sourcedir,'destdir|d=s' => \$destdir, 'formats|f=s', "help|h");

my @formats = split(/,/, our $opt_formats);

if (our $opt_help) {
        print "Usage: $0 [options...]\n" .
              "Source path is the working directory.\n" .
              "options:\n\n" .
              "-s, --sourcedir=/path/to/dir\n" .
              "\tSource *.xs dir from Gtk2-perl source.\n\n" .
              "-d, --destdir=/path/to/dir\n".
              "\tDestination folder for the output docs.\n" .
              "\tOutputs will be [destdir]/format:\n" .
              "\t*Destination folder will be auto-created if doesn't exist.\n\n"
              . "-f, --formats=[txt,html,man]\n" .
              "\tComma ',' separated list of output formats.\n" .
              "\tValid formats are:\n" .
              "\tman -> ManPage format\n" .
              "\ttxt -> Pure text format\n" .
              "\thtml -> HyperText format\n" .
              "\tpod -> Plain Old Documentation format\n\n" .
              "2004 - Mauricio Silveira <msilveira\ linuxbr com>"
              . "\n\n";

##Sourcedir checks
if ( ! $sourcedir) {
$sourcedir = cwd();
die "You must be into Gtk2-perl's xs dir or enter a sourcedir.\nTry '$progname --help' for options.\n" unless 
(((-e "maps" and -f _) or (-e "../maps" and -f _)) and (index(cwd(), "xs", -2)) > 0);
opendir SOURCEDIR, "$sourcedir" or die "Can't open xs dir $sourcedir: $!\n";
my @xs_files = grep(/\w+\.xs$/, readdir SOURCEDIR) or die "That doesn't seem to be the xs dir....\n";
closedir SOURCEDIR;

#Destdir checks
die "Your must enter a destdir for doc output!\n" unless ($destdir);
if (-d $destdir) {
        unless (-r _ and -w _) {
                die "You don't have permission to write on $destdir.\n";
        } else {
                #Die as unexpected error!
                opendir DESTDIR, "$destdir" or die "Can't open destdir: $!\n";
                if ((my @destlist = readdir DESTDIR) > 2) {
                        warn "WARNING: The directory exists and is not empty!\n" .
                        "\tThe program may OVERWRITE any previous output!\n" .
                        "\tIT MAY EVEN OVERWRITE IMPORTANT FILES!\n" .
                        "\tYou've been warned!\n" .
                        "\tPress enter to proceed or press Ctrl-C NOW to abort!\n\n";
                } else {
                        print "Storing documents into existing folder $destdir.\n";
} elsif (-e $destdir) {
                die "$destdir exists and is not a directory!\n";
} else {
        warn "Destination dir $destdir doesn't exist!\n";
        my $dest_parent = dirname($destdir);
        (-r $dest_parent and -w _) or die "You don't have permission to create a dir into $dest_parent: $!\n";
        print "Creating destdir: $destdir... ";
        while (1) {
                if (mkdir($destdir)) {
                        print "OK!\n";
                        print "Storing documents into folder $destdir.\n";
                } else {
                        print "#FAILED: $!\n";
                        print "Impossible to create $destdir.\n";
                        print "Enter a new destdir(or press enter to cancel): ";
                        chomp($destdir = <STDIN>);
                        die "Quitting..." if $destdir =~ /^\s*$/i;

##Formats ckeck
#This %fmt_ext is redundant, I know but... if i ever wish to change the
#command line input format names? ;) (No likely, really but...)
my %fmt_ext = (
        "pod" => "pod",
        "txt" => "txt",
        "man" => "man",
        "html" => "html",
if (@formats) {
        print "Output will be stored as txt format.\n" if grep(/^\btxt\b$/i, @formats);
        print "Output will be stored as html format.\n" if grep( /^\bhtml\b$/i, @formats);
        print "Output will be stored as manpage format.\n" if grep( /^\bman\b$/i, @formats);
        print "Output will be stored as pod format.\n" if grep( /^\bpod\b$/i, @formats);
        my @invalid_out = grep(!/^\b(man|txt|html|pod)\b$/, @formats);
        die "Unknown format output(s): @invalid_out.\n" if @invalid_out;
} else {
        my $default_output = "pod";
        print "Warning: Using default format output: $default_output.\n";
        unshift(@formats, "pod");
foreach(@formats) {
        my $formatdir = File::Spec->catfile("$destdir", "$_");
        #unlikely to need die here...
        mkdir($formatdir);# or die "Cannot create dir $formatdir: $!\n";
        print "Created $_ format output dir.\n";

#OK, let's write out the documents!

#chdir into xs dir, because needs the maps or ../maps file
chdir "$sourcedir";

my $toolspath = "/opt/gtk2-perldoc";
my $xs_parser = "$toolspath/";
my $xs_print = "$toolspath/";
my $errorlog = "$destdir/errorlog";

foreach (@xs_files) {
        my $shortname = basename($_, ".xs");
        my $fullpath_filename = File::Spec->catfile($sourcedir, $_);
        open XSFILE, "$fullpath_filename" or die "$fullpath_filename: $!\n";
        close XSFILE;
        open STDERR, ">>$errorlog" or die "Can't open errorlog: $!\n";
        printf("Writing output files with formats [%s]:\n", join(',', @formats));
        foreach (@formats) {
                my $destfile = File::Spec->catfile("$destdir", "$_", "$shortname.$fmt_ext{$_}");
                system("$xs_parser $fullpath_filename | $xs_print > $destfile") if grep( /^\bpod\b$/i, $_);
                system("$xs_parser $fullpath_filename | $xs_print | pod2text > $destfile") if grep( 
/^\btxt\b$/i, $_);
                system("$xs_parser $fullpath_filename | $xs_print | pod2man > $destfile") if grep( 
/^\bman\b$/i, $_);
                system("$xs_parser $fullpath_filename | $xs_print | pod2html --cachedir=/tmp > $destfile") if 
grep( /^\bhtml\b$/i, $_);
                my $sep_multiplier = 80-length($destfile)-length("*Wrote: ->");
                printf "*Wrote: %s> %s\n", ("-" x $sep_multiplier), $destfile;

#OK :)
#"First" useful perl program :P
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Cwd;

use constant TRUE => 1;
use constant FALSE => 0;

$ENV{'PATH'} = "/opt/gtk2-perldoc:$ENV{'PATH'}";

die "You must enter a filename, a .xs filename.\n" unless @ARGV;

my $podfile = shift @ARGV;
my $errorlog = cwd() . "/$podfile.podlog";
my $toolspath = "/opt/gtk2-perldoc";
my $podparser = "$toolspath/";
my $podprint = "$toolspath/";

open STDERR, ">$errorlog" or die "Can't write log file.\n";

print "Press enter to view the file or type 'quit' to exit: ";
while (<STDIN>) {
        if ($_ =~ /^\bquit\b$/i) { #Terminate
                print "Terminated!\n";
                die "$0: Terminated.\n";
        } elsif ($_ =~ /^\blog\b$/i) { #View error logs
                system("cat $errorlog");
                print "\n";
        } else { #actually view the file
                system("$podparser $podfile | $podprint | pod2text | less");
        print "Press enter to view the file or type 'quit' to exit: ";

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