Re: Gtk2-1.021 make test failures

On Sunday, January 4, 2004, at 04:35 PM, Ross McFarland wrote:

On Sun, 2004-01-04 at 16:07, Kevin Spencer wrote:
Blimey, on Sun, Jan 04, 2004 at 01:10:10PM -0500, muppet wrote:
if you have 'use Gtk2::Window;' or 'use Gtk2::TreeView;', you will be
picking up the old Inline-based stuff, and attempting to mix the two
incompatible versions.

I think I'm confused. Doesn't Gtk2::SimpleList pull in Gtk2::TreeView:

use base 'Gtk2::TreeView';

oh, crap. i totally forgot that was there. the only intent there is to have TreeView set up as the base class of SimpleList, and the "use base" form is a nice, self-explanatory way to do that.

however, according to the man page for 'base' it does a require for that
class (which seems bad/odd/weird to me) which could very well be the
problem, if it does indeed require Gtk2::TreeView.

and this is the problem. it will pick up from the old inline stuff, which will pick up and attempt to do the Inline booting, which will look for symbols that do not exist in the that was already loaded by "use Gtk2". all makes perfect sense now.

but i find it odd that this require does not fail at all on any of my systems, which do not have anywhere. i've been using that construct for quite some time. 8-(

i don't know what to tell you.

well, basically, it means that we need to set up SimpleList differently to avoid this problem.

Thanks again for your patience, am I making this 500 times harder than
it needs to be?? :-)

it's not your fault the problems are with mandrake having (for
understandable reasons) distributed a non-trivially modified version.

whoa, hang on --- Kevin's talking about mdk 9.1, which contains the old Inline-based gtk2-perl stuff from 4Q02/1Q03, not mdk 9.2, which was released 4Q03 with modified versions of Glib and Gtk2 0.95.

by the way: 6mdk.src.html and 3mdk.src.html --- IIRC, the many patches add support for XSetInputFocus (for the installer), several deprecated functions (for porting their old code), a few patches we later applied, and a hack for exception handling (which hadn't been fixed in our cvs by the time they hit their code freeze).

"that's it! you're a genius!" "yes. that's what i think. do you think i deserve a raise?"
        - dialogue from 'Godzilla versus Mothra', 1964

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