Re: $container->set_focus_chain

On Sat, 2004-02-07 at 07:58, David Irvine wrote:

I'm having a problem with gtk1.2, I want to set the tab order for form,
however, the only way I'm aware of to do this is to to use
set_focus_chain which is a gtk2 feature.

How would I accomplish this manually?  I've had a look at the
focus_out_event, however, how can I use this to set the focus only when
a tab/<shift> tab is pressed?

gtk-perl (version 1) is deprecated and no new development should really
be done with it unless you have very specific reasons. most of the
people on this list now are familiar with gtk2(-perl.) the particular
question you're asking is gtk+ related more than gtk-perl so you may
find someone who knows the answer(s) on the gtk list(s.) 

sorry to respond with out an answer, but i didn't want you to think we
were totally ignoring you.


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