Re: Can't change button font size

On Tuesday, February 3, 2004, at 04:43 PM, Mike Mayer wrote:

I can change label font sizes but not button font sizes, and I don't
know why. For example, the code below works for the label but not the

careful, you tread on ground where the answer is usually "you shouldn't do that, that's what themes are for!"

in general, i've found very little reason to use direct manipulation of fonts as you posted in your example code; i use pango markup for that sort of thing.

you can set markup on a label with the set_markup method, and you can get a button to use this by creating a markup-using button, and putting that into your button.

        $button = Gtk2::Button->new;
        $label = Gtk2::Label->new;
$label->set_markup ('<big>Hi</big>, <span color="red">this rocks</span>');
        $button->add ($label);

in my not so humble opinion, that's about a bazillion times easier than dorking about with font descriptions and styles and all that.

the C api reference for pango has information on pango markup:

as for why your original change doesn't affect the text in the button, i wager it's because you changed the button's style, not the style of the button's child label, which actually displays the text.

Brian: If i recall correctly, this is the physics department.
Chris: That explains all that gravity.
        -- Family Guy, "The Story on Page One"

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