On Mon, 2004-08-23 at 08:13, muppet wrote:
On Aug 23, 2004, at 3:11 AM, Kevin C. Krinke wrote:I've attached a hand crafted Gnome2::enums.pod, so far it has the following described:ouch! sorry you did all that by hand... Gtk2 uses a tool to do it. the tool is not installed in such a way as to be shared; it's in (in cvs terms) /gtk2-perl-xs/Gtk2/tools/podifyenums.pl ... you call it like this: perl -MModule::To::Load podifyenums.pl Module::To::Document file_to_read Module::To::Load and Module::To::Document are usually the same, and file_to_read should be a "maps" file, like the ones used for Gtk2::CodeGen. for Gnome2, you'd do # in the Gnome2 source dir: perl -Mblib -MGnome2 /path/to/Gtk2/tools/podifyenums.pl Gnome2 maps > enums.pod the Makefile.PL in Gtk2 contains a make rule to trigger this. for true portability we'd probably have to copy the tool into Gnome2.
Interesting, I did notice the tool in the Gtk2 sources but couldn't figure out how to use it properly. Thanks for the pointers. It didn't take too much effort for me to put this pod together by hand seeing as that I've built it up over the past few weeks. Mainly as I needed to know things I made notes and I just happen to like making notes in POD format. So what I should do is add tools/podifyenums.pl to the Gnome2 source tree and modify the Makefile.PL/MANIFEST in a similar fashion to the Gtk2 sources? Alrighty then... patch attached. I've also modified the podifyenums.pl a bit, a) to remove the Gtk2 assumptions and b) include a SEE ALSO reference to Gtk2::enums. -- Kevin C. Krinke <kckrinke opendoorsoftware com> Open Door Software Inc.
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