Re: How to change colors fro button and increase font size for button text

Quoting parakala suma <parakalas yahoo com>:
Trying to change color for Button and increase
font-size of button Text
can anyone hepl me

Working on the theory that the text in a button is a label and that you can
modify the label of a button I tried this

$button->child->set_markup("This is <span size='xx-large'>xx-large</span>");

and it worked.  You can create the label first and add it latter like this:

$label = Gtk2::Label->new;
$label->set_markup("This is <span size='xx-large'>xx-large</span>");
$button = Gtk2::Button->new;

The colors can be changed[1] using a similar tag.  You can find out more about
the markup language at

[1] It is a very bad idea to change colors or to rely on colors to impart
information.  You may wish to read the HIG (human interface guidelines) at
paying close attention to

there are also some very good design guides at

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