Re: strange behaviour

Chas Owens wrote:

Even that would not help if the module is in a different file.  The our
construct only makes variable visible within a file.  When accessing a global in
another package always use the $package::var form.  Or better yet, don't use
globals.  They are nasty hacks that are generally not a good idea in programs
large enough to be using packages.  Alternatives to globals are closures, OO,
and storing data in the widgets themselves ($window->{somekey} = "foo").

I declare those variables with our and the specific callback function
is in the same file as other callbacks the can access the

I tried now to access it with $main::hashref and that works. Odd...

Jens Luedicke <jens irs-net com>

Every nonzero finite dimensional inner product space has an orthonormal basis. It makes sense, when you don't think about it.

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