Glib/Gtk2 1.00 release candidate 1

The first release candidates for 1.00 of Glib and Gtk2 are now available
on sourceforge.  Gtk2-1.00rc1 requires Glib-1.00rc1, so you'll need to
upgrade both.

Grab 'em, test 'em, beat 'em, try to break 'em.  If you don't help us
shake out the bugs, then 1.00 will be buggy and late, and nobody wants

Perl code can now override class closures, which allows widgets written
in perl to override things the show, button-press, and motion-notify
handlers.  Gtk2/examples/ has been updated to reflect

The perl wrapper for g_signal_emit was actually rather broken and did
not emit signals which expected return values.  This has been fixed, and
now you can even create signals with custom accumulators.

For those of you frustrated that $notebook->append_page requires a
widget for the tab label rather than a string, it now wraps a
Gtk2::Label around the stringified form of anything that's not a

As always, be sure to submit your bug reports and any other feedback,
because we want to know.

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