Gtk2::GLExt bindings for GtkGLExt

i've got the groundwork done and cleaned up for bindings of GtkGLExt to
Perl, in conjunction with Gtk2-Perl. it's to the point of usability. i
have no real interest in finishing things off. it's probably 75% there.
it mainly needs someone that has the desire to test out all of the
possibilities and knows or wants to know the details of GtkGLExt. if
anyone is interested they're more than welcome to pick it up from here.
let me know.

i originally started working on the bindings in hopes of being able to
do an app that i've had in mind for a while, but have come to the
conclusion that OpenGL isn't all that well supported by perl, at least
any of the bindings i could get to build (latest SDL::OpenGL.) if you
know or feel otherwise have at it.

there might be a release just to get something out there to see if
someone finds it and is interested in picking it up. if that ends up
being the case it will probably be up with the rest of the Gtk2-Perl

if anyone wants to take a look at the bindings let me know and i'll get
a copy to them.


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