Re: New version of Gtk2::GladeXML

On Thu, 02 Oct 2003 16:35:33 -0400 (EDT) Chas Owens wrote:
: Here is the patch to Gtk2::GladeXML version 0.92 and

Some error out put, tried it on the 0.92 tarball fresh from SF. The
resulting lib seems broken, make test isn't happy either.

Gtk2-GladeXML-0.92 # patch -p0 < ../GladeXML.xs.patch 
patching file GladeXML.xs
Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 30.
Hunk #3 succeeded at 112 (offset 23 lines).
Hunk #4 succeeded at 121 (offset 23 lines).
Hunk #5 succeeded at 156 (offset 23 lines).
Hunk #6 succeeded at 181 (offset 23 lines).
Hunk #7 FAILED at 224.
3 out of 7 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file GladeXML.xs.rej

   )   (       Jaap Karssenberg || Pardus [Larus]
   :   :
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 ",.*'*.,"     Proud owner of "Perl6 Essentials" 1st edition :)

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