GBoxed (Re: $model->iter_next fix)

On Wednesday, November 19, 2003, at 05:47 AM, Bjarne Steinsbø wrote:

GBoxed is DERIVABLE, but it's not DEEP_DERIVABLE, right?

yes. boxed types are not deep-derivable because they are allowed to be opaque, which means the compiler doesn't know how big they are.

In "perl language" this should be equivalent to

 @Any::Boxed::Type::ISA = ('Glib::Boxed');

a single inheritance, yes.

In GBoxed.xs, a boxed type is wrapped up in a BoxedInfo struct, so that a boxed type (from perl's point of view) can know it's own gtype/package_name.

and also so that the boxed object's perl wrapper knows whether it owns the object to which it points. this is an important detail, and is why the extra layer of indirection exists. HOWEVER, that extra layer is an implementation detail and you shouldn't know about it outside of GBoxed.xs. all you need to know is that the perl representation of a boxed type is determined completely by its GPerlBoxedWrapperClass, and only that wrapper class knows how to wrap and unwrap those objects.

I could have understood the need for a recursive lookup routine if GBoxed was DEEP_DERIVABLE, especially in the presense of multiple inheritance, but Glib doesn't allow multiple inheritance, and any boxed type inherits directly from GBoxed. So why not just look it up in the hash and leave it at that?

because Perl does not prevent you from re-blessing any scalar reference. okay, that's not entirely true, as you can set the scalar read-only, but that prevents some cool and important hacks, so long as you ensure that the original type is in @ISA, we support this.

for example, Gtk2 handles the polymorphic nature of GdkEvent (which is a union of event structures, discriminated by a type key) by re-blessing the Gtk2::Gdk::Event into a subtype which has defined the particular methods for getting to that event's members. this allows syntax like

    $event->button;  # where $event is a Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Button
    $event->keyval;  # where $event is a Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Key

the alternative would've been very messy.

I guess the part I don't understand has something to do with the interplay of @ISA and the Glib inheritance...

it does have a few idiosyncrasies. perl's model is very simple (depth-first search through @ISA), but Glib's model has several rules; no multiple inheritance, interfaces, uninstantiatable types that *really* can't be instantiated, etc. we map as much as we can to Perl's rules (support GInterfaces by adding them to @ISA, gtype to package mappings), but we cannot stop people from using the Perl rules that they know and love, so we also have to ensure that things won't break in the hands of pathologically eclectic rubbish listers... like us. :-)

"that's it! you're a genius!" "yes. that's what i think. do you think i deserve a raise?"
        - dialogue from 'Godzilla versus Mothra', 1964

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