Re: Living on the bleeding edge (a bug report)

muppet wrote:

Bjarne Steinsbø said:
a good way to listen in to dnd-operations on tree-models, but had to
give up in the end because I found no reliable way to determine the drop
point without overriding the drag_data_received method in

the GInterfaces-in-perl stuff is still on my list of things to figure out, but
the things in front of that are taking longer than i'd like (as usual).

Sorry. Didn't mean to complain or sound ungrateful for the great work you've already done. It's just frustrating spending a lot of time to come up with a doable work-around, *and not even succeeding*. You 're left with the feeling that you had better spent your time trying to attack the real problem.

Ah well, I guess it wasn't a complete waste of time. I learnt a lot about signaling and dnd operations. And the real problem is still beyond what *I'm* able to fix.


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