
please bear with me, as i am rather new at this.

i have set up a couple of keybord accelerators via $widget->add_accelerator (that works fine). Now the 
accelarator keys can not be used for the entry widget in the same window (obviously). therefore i had the 
idea to temporarely remove the accelerators on focus_in_event of the entry widget via 
$widget->remove_accelerator . but i get :

Uncaught exception from user code:
        Can't locate auto/Gtk2/Button/ in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i586-linux 

i am using gtk2 2.03
gtk2-perl 0.04

is it me or my system ?
is there another (better) way to temporarely disable a accelgroup ?
is there another (better) way to use keys defined as accelarators in entry widgets ?
please help.


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