Re: A little tie magic
- From: Bjarne Steinsbø <bosteins broadpark no>
- To: "A. Pagaltzis" <pagaltzis gmx de>
- Cc: gtk-perl list <gtk-perl-list gnome org>
- Subject: Re: A little tie magic
- Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2003 17:55:35 +0100
A. Pagaltzis wrote:
True enough that the generic syntax is unwieldly; how about a single
helper function that implements this mechanism in terms of a tied
variable? The syntax would change slightly -
gtk2_bind_variable($button, \$but_state);
and the function would look at the class of $button to determine
which callbacks to use. You wouldn't need to inject any code in
the Gtk2 classes and the syntax is just as concise.
I still prefer the method-type invocation, not least because that allows
a much more natural chaining of calls:
$button = Gtk2::new_with_label ('Get lost')->bind_variable (\$but_state);
Also, in the last iterations, I'm injecting code "only" into the
Gtk2::Widget class. I quite agree that the first cut was doing too much
of this (and it wasn't even necessary), but I feel that one small method
injected into Widget might be defendable. Also, you do have to *use*
the package to get this, so you're not getting it unless it's explicitly
asked for.
Anyway, the attached version will probably be the last one unless
someone else takes an interest in this and wants it in the core
distribution. It's now covering all my own needs, and then some.
Changes in the last iteration:
- Much more complete as far as number of supported widgets goes
(builds data structure from the perl symbol table, with only the
exceptions and default 'variant' hard-coded)
- A couple of bug fixes
I've still got a problem with garbage collection that I haven't managed
to figure out. UNTIE/DESTROY isn't called when I expect them to be, so
a cyclic dependency introduced in the widget hash will prevent the
widget from being garbage collected by perl. It shouldn't be a major
problem though, since widget destruction is relatively rare and the
amount of wasted memory is small.
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use Gtk2 -init;
use Gtk2::BindVariable;
use Data::Dumper;
my $window = Gtk2::Window->new ('toplevel');
$window->set_title ('Test variable binding');
$window->signal_connect (destroy => sub {Gtk2->main_quit;});
my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new (0, 0);
my $lab_text;
my $lab = Gtk2::Label->new ('This is a test')->bind_variable (\$lab_text);
my $display;
$lab->bind_variable (\$display, 'display');
my $style;
$lab->bind_variable (\$style, 'style');
printf "Initial label text = %s\n", $lab_text;
$vbox->pack_start ($lab, 0, 0, 0);
my $but_state;
my $check = Gtk2::CheckButton->new_with_label (
)->bind_variable (\$but_state);
my $but_mode;
$check->bind_variable (\$but_mode, 'mode');
# untie $but_mode;
} # Hmmm. Neither UNTIE nor DESTROY is triggered as $but_mode goes out of scope
my $but_mode;
$check->bind_variable (\$but_mode, 'mode');
$vbox->pack_start ($check, 0, 0, 0);
my $lab_but = Gtk2::Button->new_with_label ('Change label');
$lab_but->signal_connect (clicked => sub {
printf STDERR "Existing label = '%s'\n", $lab_text;
$lab_text .= '_change';
printf STDERR "Changing to '%s'\n", $lab_text;
printf STDERR "Display for label = '%s'\n", $display;
printf STDERR "Style for label = '%s'\n", $style;
$vbox->pack_start ($lab_but, 0, 0, 0);
my $but_but = Gtk2::Button->new_with_label ('Change CheckButton');
$but_but->signal_connect (clicked => sub {
printf STDERR "Existing button state = '%d'\n", $but_state;
$but_state = ($but_state + 1) % 2;
printf STDERR "Changing to '%d'\n", $but_state;
printf STDERR "Existing button mode = '%d'\n", $but_mode;
$but_mode = ($but_mode + 1) % 2;
printf STDERR "Changing to '%d'\n", $but_mode;
$vbox->pack_start ($but_but, 0, 0, 0);
$window->add ($vbox);
exit 0;
package Gtk2::BindVariable;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Gtk2;
our $VERSION = '0.03';
our %class_handlers = ();
# Gosh are we getting lazy. Trawl the perl symbol table for the
# default contents of %class_handlers.
for my $key (keys %Gtk2::) {
next unless $key =~ /::$/;
my $pkg_name = 'Gtk2::' . $key;
$pkg_name =~ s/::$//;
my @isa_chain = _isa_chain ($pkg_name);
next unless $isa_chain[-1] eq 'Gtk2::Widget';
# print $key, "\n";
$class_handlers{$pkg_name} = {};
my %methods = map { $_ => 1 } _list_methods ($pkg_name);
for my $meth (keys %methods) {
next unless $meth =~ /^set(.*)$/;
my $something = $1;
next unless exists $methods{'get' . $something};
# print " ", $something, "\n";
(my $no_underscore = $something) =~ s/^_//;
$class_handlers{$pkg_name}{$no_underscore} = [
'get' . $something, 'set' . $something
# Now augment and fix %class_handlers
# Sensible (?) defaults
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Label'}{default} = 'text';
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Image'}{default} = 'image';
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Frame'}{default} = 'label';
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::ToggleButton'}{default} = 'active';
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Button'}{default} = 'label';
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::MenuItem'}{default} = 'submenu';
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{default} = 'name';
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Paned'}{default} = 'position';
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::ColorSelection'}{default} = 'current_color';
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::FontSelection'}{default} = 'font_name';
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Notebook'}{default} = 'current_page';
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Window'}{default} = 'title';
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::ProgressBar'}{default} = 'fraction';
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Range'}{default} = 'value';
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Menu'}{default} = 'active';
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::CheckMenuItem'}{default} = 'active';
# Special cases
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Image'}{image} = [q{get_image set_from_image}]; # No mask
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Image'}{pixbuf} = [q{get_pixbuf set_from_pixbuf}];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Image'}{pixmap} = [q{get_pixmap set_from_pixmap}];
# Asymmetric, but maybe useful. There are probably more of these.
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Combo'}{use_arrows} = [undef, 'set_use_arrows'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Combo'}{use_arrows_always} = [undef, 'set_use_arrows_always'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Combo'}{case_sensitive} = [undef, 'set_case_sensitive'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Calendar'}{day} = [undef, 'select_day'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{child_requisition} = ['get_child_requisition'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{toplevel} = ['get_toplevel'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{is_focus} = ['is_focus'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{visual} = ['get_visual'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{modifier_style} = ['get_modifier_style'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{pango_context} = ['get_pango_context'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{accessible} = ['get_accessible'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{parent} = ['get_parent'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{settings} = ['get_settings'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{display} = ['get_display'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{root_window} = ['get_root_window'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{screen} = ['get_screen'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{has_screen} = ['has_screen'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{sensitive} = [undef, 'set_sensitive'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{app_paintable} = [undef, 'set_app_paintable'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{double_buffered} = [undef, 'set_double_buffered'];
$class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{redraw_on_allocate} = [undef, 'set_redraw_on_allocate'];
# We can't handle the following, so remove and give a sensible error msg.
delete $class_handlers{'Gtk2::Notebook'}{menu_label};
delete $class_handlers{'Gtk2::Notebook'}{tab_label};
delete $class_handlers{'Gtk2::Notebook'}{menu_label_text};
delete $class_handlers{'Gtk2::Notebook'}{tab_label_text};
delete $class_handlers{'Gtk2::Window'}{default_size};
delete $class_handlers{'Gtk2::Window'}{position};
delete $class_handlers{'Gtk2::Window'}{frame_dimensions};
delete $class_handlers{'Gtk2::Window'}{icon_list};
delete $class_handlers{'Gtk2::Window'}{default_icon_list};
delete $class_handlers{'Gtk2::Curve'}{vector};
delete $class_handlers{'Gtk2::Ruler'}{range};
delete $class_handlers{'Gtk2::TreeView'}{drag_dest_row};
delete $class_handlers{'Gtk2::Layout'}{size};
delete $class_handlers{'Gtk2::ScrolledWindow'}{policy};
delete $class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{default_colormap};
delete $class_handlers{'Gtk2::Widget'}{default_direction};
# Somewhat a hack, but add data to above data structure for variants handled
# by parent classes.
for my $class (keys %class_handlers) {
my @isa_chain = _isa_chain ($class);
shift @isa_chain; # Drop the widget name itself
for my $pclass (@isa_chain) {
# Only explicitly mentioned classes are handled
next unless exists $class_handlers{$pclass};
# Inherit variants
for my $variant (keys %{$class_handlers{$pclass}}) {
next if exists $class_handlers{$class}{$variant};
$class_handlers{$class}{$variant} =
# use Data::Dumper;
# warn Data::Dumper::Dumper (\%class_handlers);
## End of compile-time code
# NB! The following sub is compiled into the namespace of Gtk2::Widget!
sub Gtk2::Widget::bind_variable {
my ($self, $var, $variant) = @_;
my $class = ref $self;
# There should always be a default, since Gtk2::Widget has a default
$variant = $class_handlers{$class}{default}
unless defined $variant;
croak "${class}::bind_variable : no such variant '$variant'"
unless exists $class_handlers{$class}{$variant};
croak "${class}::bind_variable : Need reference to scalar"
unless ref ($var) =~ /SCALAR/;
croak "${class}::bind_variable : won't re-tie scalar"
if tied $$var;
my $bound_pkg_name = "${class}::${variant}::_bound";
# Check perl symbol table to see if the handlers are already installed
my $bound_already;
no strict 'refs';
$bound_already = defined %{$bound_pkg_name . "::"};
unless ($bound_already) {
# Nope, need to compile them
my $code = qq{
package $bound_pkg_name;
use strict;
use Carp;
our \ ISA = qw($class Gtk2::BindVariable);
my ($getter, $setter) = @{$class_handlers{$class}{$variant}};
if (defined $getter) {
$code .= qq{
sub get_tied_contents { \${\$_[0]}->$getter; }
} else {
$code .= 'sub get_tied_contents { croak "Variable is write-only" }';
if (defined $setter) {
$code .= qq{
sub set_tied_contents { \${\$_[0]}->$setter (\$_[1]); }
} else {
$code .= 'sub set_tied_contents { croak "Variable is read-only" }';
$code .= "1;\n";
# print $code;
eval $code;
die "Gtk2::BindVariable : Can't compile code for '$class' : $@"
if $@;
my $val = $$var;
tie $$var, 'Gtk2::BindVariable', $self, $bound_pkg_name, $variant;
$$var = $val if defined $val; # Trigger init
return $self; # Return widget, making chaining possible
# The tied scalar methods
my ($class, $self, $other_class, $variant) = @_;
$self->{'_BoundVariable_' . $variant} = \$self;
return bless $self->{'_BoundVariable_' . $variant}, $other_class;
sub FETCH {
sub STORE {
$_[0]->set_tied_contents ($_[1]);
# Break circular reference
sub UNTIE {
my ($self) = @_;
my $class = ref $self;
my $pclass = ref $$self;
my ($variant) = ($class =~ /^${pclass}::(\w+)/);
delete ${$self}->{'_BoundVariable_' . $variant};
# There's a bug here somewhere. Or at least DESTROY is not called when
# I expect it to be. This bug will make it difficult to garbage collect
# the widget because of the circular reference.
# Utility functions for accessing perl symbol table
# List methods for package/class/object
sub _list_methods {
my ($class) = @_;
$class = ref $class || $class; # Accept object
$class .= '::' unless $class =~ /::$/;
local (*alias);
my @list;
no strict 'refs';
while (my ($symb, $val) = each %{$class}) {
*alias = $val;
next unless defined &alias;
$val = (split /::/, $val)[-1];
push @list, $val;
return @list;
# List class inheritance chain from package/class/object up to (and including)
# Gtk2::Widget. Take advantage of the simple inheritance chain of widgets in
# Gtk2: only single-inheritance, all widgets ending up at Gtk2::Widget
sub _isa_chain {
my ($class) = @_;
$class = ref $class || $class; # Accept object
$class =~ s/::$//;
my @isa_chain = ();
no strict 'refs';
for (
my $pclass = $class;
$pclass =~ /^Gtk2/ and $pclass ne 'Gtk2::Object';
$pclass = ${"${pclass}::ISA"}[0]
) {
push @isa_chain, $pclass;
return @isa_chain;
=head1 NAME
Gtk2::BindVariable - Install extra methods in various packages to bind perl
variables to the underlying widget contents.
use Gtk2;
use Gtk2::BindVariable;
my $label = Gtk2::Label->new();
my $label_txt = 'This is the label';
$label->bind_variable (\$label_txt);
$label_txt = 'New label text';
my $ckbutton = Gtk2::Checkbutton->new;
my $but = 1;
$ckbutton->bind_variable (\$but);
if ($but) { do_something () };
Binds perl variables to the underlying widget contents.
Uses tied scalars so that setting/getting the scalar will trigger the
correct widget method to get/set the contents of the widget.
=head1 EXPORT
=head1 SEE ALSO
Perl(1), Glib(3pm), Gtk2(3pm).
=head1 AUTHORS
Bjarne Steinsbo <steinsbo at users dot sf dot net>
Copyright 2003 by the Gtk2-Perl team.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along
with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
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