Re: gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices and gtk_tree_row_reference_new

On Thu, 21 Aug 2003 11:05:12 -0400 (EDT), muppet wrote:

I don't know whether it's too late for API changes but considering that
the row reference stuff is rarely used I think that, in this case,
consistency weighs more than backwards compatability.

things like that are broken, and thus need to be fixed.  i found several of
them this weekend, and like you said, they were all obscure and probably not
being used by anybody.

I actually did use row references to implement an incremental search on
trees (look at XMMS' "Jump to File" (accelerator: [j]) to know what I
mean) withouth the need to keep a parallel data structure (which is what
XMMS does). I was going to submit it as a FAQ but I'll wait until Ross
commented on my other suggestions since their somewhat similiar to this


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