Problems on Gtk2->init


I'm a happy Slackware 9 user and Gtk2 fan, but not so happy lately. I've
downloaded, unpackaged and instaled ExtUtils-Depends, Glib-0.94 and Gtk2-0.94,
and all went well. Then I've tried, without success, start a perl script that
contais Gtk2 code.

As I had experience with Gtk1.2 programming with perl and a little bit of XS
knowledge, i've started debugging the library. And i found something very
strange: all code works very well, except when it reaches any of these statments:

gtk_init(&argc, &argv);


RETVAL = gtk_init_check(&argc, &argv);

Then, the program freezes, and stays that way until interrupted. Reading the
comments about argv[] and argc, i've placed g_new0's and g_strlcpy's on them so
the code would realocate space for argv[] and not use strings returned by perl.
And nothing changed.

Well, as I might suspect, it should be a problem with initialization of Gtk2,
not gtk2-perl. However, i use Gnome2 as my desktop, and it works pretty well.

Then i downloaded older releases, and had success using gtk2-perl-0.26. All
works well. Gtk2-0.90 didn't worked either. By the way, i've tried the library
in two (or three) different machines, all running Slackware 9.

Some relevant informations:

$ pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0

$ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 3.2.2

$ perl --version

This is perl, v5.8.0 built for i386-linux

$ cat /etc/slackware-version 
Slackware 9.0.0

$ ls /lib/libc-*


Leonardo Trentini Lang AKA tlang inf ufsc br
Ciências da Computação (cco021)
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Usuário GNU/(Linux #217916) -- BNU/SC, Brasil

O único lugar onde o sucesso vem antes do trabalho
é no dicionário. -- Albert Einstein.

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