Re: GtkAdjustment and GtkSpinButton question

-- Ross McFarland <rwmcfa1 neces com> wrote
(on Wednesday, 13 August 2003, 12:36 PM -0400):
Matthew Weier OPhinney said:
I'm trying to create a GtkSpinButton, and having a slight problem.

It requires a GtkAdjustment, a climb rate, and the number of decimal
places to display. No problem; it displays correctly, and climbs (or
descends) at the proper rate.

The problem is with the GtkAdjustment -- I can't get it to accept the
proper initial value.

the GtkSpinButton page has two examples in the description section that seem
to agree with how you're doing things.

I'd been reading that when I constructed it originally. I've also tried
another method, as posted to the list. Neither worked...

i've got some code that uses a spin button as you are that seems to work. i
know this sounds stupid, but verify that the values you're passing in for
min/max/val are correct. failing that i guess i'd need some example code that
exhibits the problem to help any more.

Here's what I've got going. I'm pulling data from an XML file using
XML::DOM. To ensure that I'm getting integers to pass to
Gtk2::SpinButton's max and min values, I'm using something like:

    my $min = int($node->getAttribute('min'));
    my $max = int($node->getAttribute('max'));
    my $val = $option->{int_value}; # this is already an integer
    my $step = $node->getAttribute('step');

    ($step) ? $step = int($step) : $step = 1;

    my $spin = Gtk2:SpinButton->new_with_range($min, $max, $step);
And that's not working. I've even setup some print statements to make
sure that it's getting proper values (it is), but the value isn't being

Oddly enough, if I set the value *later*, i.e. after it's been
manipulated, it *will* take. Go figure.

Any ideas?

(I should probably upgrade to 0.92 to see if the error still happens
there... I'm on 0.90 -- unless no changes have been made to this

Matthew Weier O'Phinney

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