Re: Installing Gtk-Perl

Thanks, that helped.  I can actually compile much of the code now.
However, I'm still having trouble.

The relevant error from 'make' is:
BonoboView.xs:11: redefinition of `BonoboViewVerbFunc'
/usr/include/gnome-1.0/bonobo/bonobo-view.h:32: `BonoboViewVerbFunc'
previously declared here
make: *** [xs/BonoboView.o] Error 1

So there's something wrong with either my 'BonoboView.xs' or my

Has anyone gotten Bonobo to work for Perl?  I want to try it out.


On Mon, 13 May 2002, Dermot Musgrove wrote:

Daniel Carrera wrote:

Speaking of installing Gtk-Perl...

I am having trouble with the Bonobo installation from Gtk-Perl-0.7008.

The usual "perl Makefile.PL; make; make install" doesn't install Bonobo.

When I go into the Bonobo directory, "perl Makefile.PL" shows no errors.
However, "make" does:

[daniel net104 Bonobo]$ make
make: *** No rule to make target
`/home/daniel/src/cpan/Gtk-Perl-0.7008/Bonobo/orbit.typemap', needed by
`pm_to_blib'.  Stop.

What is this 'orbit.typemap' file?

I have a CVS version that contains the file. It tells xsubpp how to
map the C vars to Perl ones.

I have attached it in case that is the only file that is missing. (small)

HTH, Dermot

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