Re: How to disable temporary callbacks using Glade?

ws wrote:

sub on_CoEn_changed{
        print "..Combo-Entry changed by user and NOT during set-Operations";

sub setSelector{
        signal_handler_block(?);                                                #how?
        $form->{'Co'}   ->set_popdown_strings(@choice); #popDownList set
    $form->{'CoEn'}     ->set_text($sv[2]);                         #e.g. value $sv[2] visible
                                                    #bad:calls on_CoEn_changed
    signal_handler_unblock(?);                      #how?

You need to know the 'connection id' of the signal_connect call that
is triggering the handler. The connection id is returned by the
signal_connect() call so you do:

  $id = $widget->signal_connect('changed', ......

and later:

$id probably needs to be a global so that it is available in the handler.

Version 0.60 of Glade-Perl can generate code that saves the ids in a
predictable fashion so that you can use them in signal handlers like:

  my $id = $form->{'__CONNECT_ID'}{'entry1'}{'after_key_press_event'}
  $id = $widget->signal_connect('changed', ......

HTH, Dermot

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