(no subject)

Hi everybody ,

I'd like to know if there are functions that could help you to set up a kind of a log for a widget : for an 
option menu , which menu item was 'activate' last , for a combo the last strings entered in the entry , for a 
clist which rows were selected last , etc ?

In the same idea , how do you know the number of rows in a clist ? 
Of course , you create the clist initially , you allow the user to add or remove rows , so you might be able 
to monitor what's in it . But forcibly the clist knows what's composing itself , so is there no fonction to 
easily retrieve the numer of rows , and so forth knowing everything that's in it without keeping a track , 
callback after callback , of all the alterations ?

Continuing on this track , if this is not implemented natively and that i really want this kind of feature , 
i'll need a place to store the informations . I saw on the C documentation that there are two methods of the 
Gtk::Object class : set_data , set_user_data ( the former doesn't seem to be ported in Gtk-Perl ) . Can i use 
this , or can it just hold a string ( and not , for instance a hash , itself containing references and hashes 
according to my needs ) ? 

If i can't , it seems that Gtk-Perl uses a hash ( in regard of the informations given when you make a "print" 
on a widget ) , could i create ( cautiously ) just one entry ( a hash reference ) in it that would hold 
afterwards all the informations needed ? What's its little name ?

Last question leading to a , truly ( i swear ! ;-) , ultimate one : aren't this kind of features implemented 
in Gnome ( as it seems that Gnome is , among other things , another layer intended to automate a few things 
for the programmer ) ?
Hence , if i ask this question , it's because i can't seem to find a good tutorial or documentation on 
Gnome-Perl ( and i reaaally don't understand a thing in C , i'm not sure i know enough of it to code a "Hello 
world" ...;-) , could you indicate an URL ?

Thanks for those who are still here reading this , and moreover to those who will take time to answer ...

D vid 

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