GtkPerl-based programs leak memory like crazy


 I'm getting the impression that GtkPerl is leaking memory very fast.

 The following program:

use Gtk;
print "pid is $$\n";
sub iter
    my $l = new Gtk::Label('blah');
    show_all $l;
    undef $l;
while (1)     {    iter();    } 

leaks about 100kb of memory per second.

 The other program:
use Gtk;
print "pid is $$\n";
sub iter
    my $l = new Gtk::Label('blah');
    show_all $l;
    undef $l;

Gtk->idle_add(sub { iter(); 1; });
main Gtk;

 leaks about 40 kb/second.

 I'm using Cel-666 running under RedHat 7.2, perl-5.6.0 (built by RH),
gtk+-devel-1.2.10-11 (from Rh), GtkPerl-0.7000 (built by me). 

 What's wrong with GtkPerl? Is there any solution to this problem?

 That's a severe limitation of GtkPerl IMHO. 

 Best regards,

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