Re: I guess this is a newbie type question.

Thanks, that did it.

Now for the next question.  In the main part of the program I declare this.

my %spinner;

Then later on in a subroutine I do this.

$spinner{$hour_type}{$year}{$day} = new Gtk::SpinButton($adj, 0, 2);

As well as the various other attributes you can adjust on a spin button.

The problem is that later on in another sub-routine when I try to read my spinbutton with this.


It tells me that it can't call get_value_as_float with an undefined value (or something close to that).

Any ideas on what I am screwing up now?

Joern Reder wrote:
Brian Avis wrote:

I have a button like so.

$button = new Gtk::Button("Test");
$button->signal_connect("clicked", \&print_test($begin_pay_period,
$YEAR, $days_in_year));

Try this:

$button->signal_connect("clicked", \&print_test, $begin_pay_period, $YEAR, $days_in_year);

The way you wrote it, the print_test subroutine is called immediately,
because you pass parameters to it (this is the old perl4 style
subroutine call). A reference to the result of the subroutine call will
be passed to signal_connect, which is not what you want.

The code above passes the subroutine ref and your parameters seperately
as parameters to the signal_connect method. Then Gtk will give the
parameters to your subroutine, when the signal handler is called.



Brian Avis
SEARHC Medical Clinic
Juneau, AK 99801
(907) 463-4049
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