X-Chat, Gtk-Perl

i'm making a prel script for X-Chat and i can't make this work:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
IRC::register("my script", "1.0", "", "");
IRC::add_command_handler("command", "my_command");
IRC::print("My Script ready.\n");

use Gtk; # carrega o módulo GTK-Perl
use strict;

init Gtk; # inicializa o módulo Gtk-Perl
set_locale Gtk; # suporte à internacionalização

# GTK-Perl prompt dialog (test)
sub gtk_input
 # convenience variables for true and false
 my $false = 0;
 my $true = 1;

 # widget creation
 my $window = new Gtk::Window( "toplevel" );
 my $button = new Gtk::Button( "Goodbye World" );

 # callback registration
 $window->signal_connect( "delete_event", sub { $window->destry(); } );
 $button->signal_connect( "clicked", sub { $window->destry(); } );

 # show button

 # window's size is program controlled
 $window->set_policy( $false, $false, $true );

 # set window attributes and show it
 $window->set_modal( $true );
 $window->set_position( 'center' );
 $window->border_width( 15 );
 $window->add( $button );

 # Gtk event loop
 main Gtk;

 # Get data from entry box and return
 return 1;

# X-Chat command
sub my_command
 my $s = gtk_input();
 return 1;

X-Chat quit without seg foult when I click Goodbye button. Why? If I
comment "main Gtk" the sub return after the window is opened. I'm new
with Gtk and perl... how can I make it work?

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