Re: Unexplained behavior with signal_connect and references

Best way to explain this is with the code. It's simple, and might simply be
a bug somewhere, or maybe I'm not understanding somthing about references.

my $topwin; #the main window
my $name = "foobar"; #it's name

init Gnome $name ;

SetTopWin (\$topwin, $name);
show_all $topwin;
main Gtk;

sub SetTopWin
              my ($app ,$name) = @_; #reference to top window, and it's
              $$app = new Gnome::App $name, $name;

              signal_connect $$app 'delete_event', sub { Gtk->main_quit;
return 0 };

So, up pops a nice little window that doesn't do much, but perl does exit
when I press the close button. The odd bit is, when I run it, I also get
this error message in my console:

String found where operator expected at ./ line 22, near "$app
      (Missing operator before 'delete_event'?)

So, what is it that's going wrong here? If it's me, how do I fix it? It
doesn't stop the code from running, but it's annoying to have any warning
messages at all.

I couldn't run your example with my perl 5.6 ...
so this is how I would do it....

my $name = "foobar"; #it's name

init Gnome $name ;

$app = SetTopWin ($name);
show_all $app;
main Gtk;

sub SetTopWin {
        my ($name) = @_; 
        $app = new Gnome::App $name, $name;
        $app->signal_connect('delete_event', sub { Gtk->main_quit; return 0 });
        return $app;

with friendly regards....
        jens luedicke <jens irs-net com>

PMC - Perl/Gtk/Gnome Mail Client

President BU-ll-SH-it ...

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