Re: [gtk-osx-users] Setting up JHBuild environment and forcing builds if patches have changed

On Jan 23, 2022, at 11:45 AM, Lukas Oberhuber via gtk-osx-users-list <gtk-osx-users-list gnome org> wrote:


Two questions:

1. How do I set up the JHBuild environment to then run my own build, for a package?

2. How can I configure JHBuild to detect that I've made a change to the patches I've included on a package. 
This is especially critical for CI builds where I find I have to make a commit with 'jhbuild buildone 
--force package_name' because it otherwise won't detect the change (and I have to use caching because the 
build otherwise times out so full rebuilds are not an option).

The way I do #1 is to build whatever package I'm going to work on, then run `jhbuild shell && cd $PREFIX 
../build/package && make uninstall` (or ninja uninstall if it's a meson project). You could also do `jhbuild 
build --skip foo foo` to build all of the dependencies without the package, but then you have to set up your 
own build directory and run the configuration (i.e., cmake, meson, ...) by 
hand. You'll need to do that anyway if you want to test different config options or build systems and it's 
sometimes a good idea to just clear out the build directory and reconfigure from scratch.

In another Terminal tab I cd to the corresponding src/package, though I don't usually start a jhbuild shell 
for that so I can't use $PREFIX. Aim your favorite editor at the same source directory. Now you can edit 
files in the editor, use the source-directory terminal tab for git, and run builds in the build-directory tab.

Changing patches on tarballs is a bit cumbersome because you have to stop the build and choose 6 - delete 
directory and start over. The only other way to get jhbuild to reload a tarball and apply different patches 
is to delete the source directory before starting jhbuild. The easiest way to deal with that is to set up a 
git build of that dependency and point the repo at a bare repo on your machine. Then you can push changes to 
that repo and jhbuild will pick them up without extra effort. That has the added advantage that you've got a 
git safety net for your work.

You don't want to use jhbuild in a CI recipe. I prepare a tarball of the dependencies by running jhbuild with 
a prefix pointed at a directory tree that mirrors the one that the CI runner uses. `jhbuild build --skip foo 
foo` builds and installs all of the dependencies. Tar up the prefix and put the tarball somewhere that the CI 
runner can find it and add a step to your CI recipe to retrieve and un-tar it. Build your project using the 
CI runner's build recipe.

John Ralls

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