Re: [gtk-osx-users] GTK3 examples displayed on Catalina.

Le 26 janv. 2020 à 18:43, John Ralls <jralls ceridwen us> a écrit :

Pascal, is the canonical repo for Gtk so there's no difference between "the 
gitlab sources" and "the GTK3 sources" except that the branch you used isn't the current one.

I don't know "what else" because it works for me using the exampleapp in the build tree. Might be that you 
messed up the manual build. Might be that you need to give it absolute paths. Looks like it's an 
opportunity for you to sharpen your C debugging skills.

Thanks John for your patience.

It works for me now with the binary in the gtk3 build folder as I add a file name on the command line :-)
The application3 I found googling for GTK3 examples was obviously not functional, some lines as "  
gtk_widget_show (view);" lines were missing.
I couldn't imagine they weren't the right files.
You know it is the first time I install gtk-osx on Catalina, I feared rather some issues with Catalina 
compatibility but at the end it was my fault.

Thus I'm now ready for bundling ;-)

Regards, Pascal.

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