Re: [gtk-osx-users] Bugs with 10.14 dark mode

On Jan 28, 2019, at 2:34 AM, Gabriele Greco via gtk-osx-users-list <gtk-osx-users-list gnome org> wrote:

Hi guys,

I've found a few rendering problems and a crash on exit with GTK+2.x (a compile of about 1.5 years ago), 
and 10.14 dark mode.

I've been able to track this problem running my app with different osx versions and then running gtktest on 

When I found that the bug was related to 10.14 dark mode I've been able to google with more suited keywords 
and I found this:

My question is:

is this bug opened as it seems or there is a fix or a workaround like the last comment of John suggests?

I'm stuck at compiling the last stable modulesets for some python incompatibilities but if the bug is still 
open this will not solve the problem...

It's fixed in Gtk3. Someone needs to find time to back port the Gtk3 fix to Gtk2.

John Ralls

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