Re: [gtk-osx-users] gtksourceview3: file hash is incorrect.

Le 10 sept. 2017 à 19:28, John Ralls <jralls ceridwen us> a écrit :

Please bottom-post on this list.

The problem is two-fold: For our purposes it’s that the module configures with autogen instead of configure 
when there’s no patch. That’s a leftover from an earlier version [1], and it’s easily fixed, which I’ve 

The other problem is that the gtksourceview folks set up to depend on a macro that isn’t 
present unless Vala is installed. If that macro is necessary to configure for Vala then they should copy it 
into their own macro subdirectory.

John Ralls

[1] A really old version, in fact:,
 from 5 years ago.

Hello John,

It's now ok on my side.

Thanks a lot, Pascal.

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