[gtk-osx-users] Module Not Found?

So, i’m taking my first baby steps - i have a modules file with just boilerplate xml

[gtk@Daves-i7:~]$ more freeciv.modules
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE moduleset SYSTEM "moduleset.dtd">
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="moduleset.xsl"?>
    <include href="http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk-osx/plain/modulesets-stable/gtk-osx.modules"/>


and a boilerplate configuration

[gtk@Daves-i7:~]$ more .jhbuildrc-custom
moduleset=os.environ['HOME'] + '/freeciv.modules’

yet jhbuild doesn’t like something…

[gtk@Daves-i7:~]$ echo $PATH
[gtk@Daves-i7:~]$ jhbuild build freeciv
jhbuild build: A module called ''freeciv'' could not be found.
Usage: jhbuild [ -f config ] command [ options … ]

I did a web search for "jhbuild build: A module called '''' could not be found.” and got nothing useful.  
What am i doing wrong?

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