Re: [gtk-osx-users] Support of Older OS X Versions

On Feb 23, 2016, at 10:48 AM, Miroslav Rajcic <mrajcic hotmail com> wrote:

Hi John,

do you ask this question for GTK 3.x only?

I am very much interested in GTK 2.x supporting older versions of OS X too.
I asked the users of my own program the same question, and I got a number of users telling me that they 
still use OS X 10.6.x.

Well, the GLib problem applies to both Gtk2 and Gtk3. 

I guess there's another option available: Freeze your gtk-osx repo and change your application moduleset to 
include the locally-installed gtk-osx.modules instead of the online one, or we could add a moduleset that 
freezes glib at 2.44 and any dependent packages at the last version that doesn't require a newer glib.

John Ralls

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