[gtk-osx-users] [ANN] XNAdaLib 2014 binaries for MacOS 10.9 including GTKAda 3.8 and more.

Hello, I’m glad to achieve a complete binary archive XNAdaLib of Ada bindings for GTK3 and more.
It became possible with the always appreciated help of John.

XNAdaLib 2014 is built on MacOS X 10.9 Mavericks for Native Quartz including:
 - GTK Ada 3.8.2 with GTK+ 3.10.7 complete for Quartz backend,
 - Glade 3.16.1,
 - GnatColl GPL 2014,
 - Florist GPL 2014,
 - AdaCurses 20110404,
 - Gate 3-04-b,
 - AICWL 3.9 (http://www.dmitry-kazakov.de/ada/aicwl.htm with Components 4.1 and gtksourceview 3.10.1),
to be installed (mandatory) at /usr/local:
$ cd /usr/local
$ sudo tar xzf xnadalib-gpl-2014-quartz-x86_64-apple-darwin13.3.0-bin.tgz
Update your PATH to include gtkada-config, glade, gate3.sh and other executables in it:
$ PATH=/usr/local/xnadalib-2014/bin:$PATH
Update your GPR_PROJECT_PATH to include gtkada.gpr, adacurses.gpr, florist.gpr,
gnatcoll.gpr, gtkada_aicwl.gpr and other projects in it:
$ export GPR_PROJECT_PATH=/usr/local/xnadalib-2014/lib/gnat:$GPR_PROJECT_PATH
$ export XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/local/xnadalib-2014/share
Glade and GPS applications in apps directory must stay in this directory unless
you modify the script inside apps.
Then see READMEs, documentation and examples in share directory and enjoy.

XNAdaLib binaries have been post on Source Forge:
Feel free to send comments.

Regards, Pascal.

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