Hi all,
I just upgraded to latest module set that uses gtk+3.10 and gtk-mac-integration 2.0.4. My computer has Retina display, I guess most of the issues described below are related to Retina. I am building bluefish from svn depository. The build was successful, I created bundle the same way I did for gtk+3.6.4.
1. In the log file when bluefish was started there is line
(bluefish-bin:55298): Gtk-WARNING **: unsupported GDK backend.
Probably this means that quartz is no longer supported?
2. The icons in the toolbar are HUGE. The linear dimensions probably got 2 times larger than before (so, area is 4 times larger). It seems that this is caused by depreciation of gtk-toolbar-icon-size from Settings. In older version this setting was affecting icon size together with gtk_toolbar_set_icon_size(); if I set smaller icon size in Settings, the icons Now even smallest icon set is way too large for my screen.
3. The interface inself looks to be out of proportions.
Notebook tabs are much larger, the same for combobox, some icons does not fits into place and so on. Its complete mess.
4. The fonts in GtkTextView and GtkTreeView are blurred. In older version I was able to fix it by putting into bundles Info.plist the lines
But now this does not work anymore - no effect at all.